Laboratory Equipment for Medical, Pharmaceuticals, Parapharmaceuticals & Cosmetology.
- Analytical, scientific, electronic, diagnostic and microscopic instruments.
- Instruments for cell culture, quality control, homogenizing and toxicology.
- Apparatus and micro apparatus for freezing, distillation, filtration, tests, measurement and weighing.
- Digital image systems.
- Nanotechnology and robotics laboratory equipment.
- Chemicals, reagents, radioisotopes.
- Hygiene laboratory equipment.
- Laboratory safety equipment.
- Laboratory plastic and glass products.
- Laboratory furniture.
- Laboratory consumables & professional clothing products.
- Software and hardware laboratory programs.
- Raw materials and experimental animals.
New Technologies, Original and Innovative Products.
- Large or specialized national or foreign laboratories for research and development of pharmaceutical, skin cosmetics and medical products.
- Inventing and developing innovative parapharmaceuticals, food supplements and skin cosmetic products.
- Sterilization, antiseptic, disinfection, cooling products and medical gases.
- New equipment for production, packaging, storage and distribution of pharmaceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and food supplements.
- Collection and handling dangerous medical and hospital wastes.
- New products for homeotherapy, herbal therapy, acupuncture etc.
- Consumables, one use products and professional clothing.
- Hospitals and Clinics offering new curative solutions.
Bioscience Equipment and Products for:
- Biological and biotechnological medical research.
- Heart and biophysics biology.
- Diagnostics, curative clinical and genetic biology.
- Pharmaceutical biology and biotechnology.
- Agricultural and food biology.
- Molecular, analytical, chemical and synthetic biology.
- Animal, marine, energy, industrial, botanic, nanotechnologic and environmental biotechnology.
- Software and data filing systems.
- Institutes, research centers, medical universities, governmental organizations.
- Certification companies.
- Companies of e-commerce, studies, printing and electronic publications.
- Scientific and company syndicate entities.
- Cooperatives and clusters.